Germany’s Lakewood guitars has announced that following the official retirement of distributor Tony Owens, the highly respected brand is henceforth going to be supplied direct to UK retailers.
In a statement, Lakewood’s Markus Hoppe says: ‘Tony Owens, long-term ambassador of Lakewood Guitars in the UK is going in his well-deserved retirement after more than 45 years in the business.
‘We have been lucky to be in the hands of this highly respected man in the MI branch and we appreciate what he did for Lakewood Guitars hugely. Having just turned 70 years old it’s definitely the right time for him to finish and enjoy retirement with his wife Alison, his children and grand children…
‘Dear Tony, thank you very much indeed for your support, your advice, your efforts and the brilliant time we had together. From our hearts we wish you all the best, enjoy the free time you have now!
‘Here’s the news: We are going to distribute Lakewood Guitars directly to the UK. That’s the chance for the retailers to be linked to us immediately, which opens the door for a couple of benefits: We have very short and straight communication channels. You will be talking to Martin Seeliger and other qualified luthiers directly. All service issues can be handled straight with us. Shipments come from us directly. And there’s definitely more advantages dealers will discover gradually while working with us.
‘Improving our business relation to the British trade is the ambitious aim as we’re setting a new course for a revised way of trading Lakewood in the United Kingdom.
It’s a great pleasure for us!
Warm regards from Germany and fingers crossed for the English football team!’
MIN sends its very best wishes to Tony Owens for his retirement and to Lakewood and its dealers for the future.
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