Audiotonix, which already owns mixer makers DiGiCo, Calrec and Allen & Heath has announced the purchase of Solid State Logic.
Founded in Oxfordshire 1969, SSL revolutionised the recording console market but actually began life making solid state control systems for pipe organs. It went on to achieve a dominant position in the high-end mixing console market for both the music recording and broadcast markets. In 2005 the company was acquired by Peter Gabriel and David Engelke.
Peter Gabriel, the majority shareholder in Solid State Logic, becomes an investor in Audiotonix as part of the transaction and says: ‘My relationship with SSL began as a user, a customer and then as part owner. SSL has always made wonderful innovative equipment that encourages creativity and I got involved because I never wanted to imagine a world without SSL. It is obvious with this sale that there are many in this growing Audiotonix group that are as nuts about new tech and good audio as we are. Each manufacturer has their own particular markets, strengths and idiosyncrasies but through collaboration, there will be a lot of opportunities to spread knowledge and skills to benefit the group as a whole I am also excited by what could be created by all these new potential synergies so I have chosen to use a chunk of the sale money to invest in this newly expanded version of Audiotonix. I wish Audiotonix and all who now sail in her, every success.’
James Gordon CEO of Audiotonix added: ‘We are growing the Audiotonix Group with professional audio brands that have exceptional technology, committed people and a real passion for what they do. With their incredible history and reputation, their enthusiasm and loyal customer base, SSL is ideally placed to be the next partner in the group. The whole group will benefit by having SSL as an integral part of the team going forward. Having their help to further expand our international reach, technology and customer base will be a lot of fun.’