Following MIN’s announcement yesterday that Music China plans to take place this October, with a number of major brands already confirmed, we received several requests for clarity from the trade to learn what safe-guarding practices are to be in place for those companies considering attending this event.
Below is the response from Music China as of 10am 18/6/2020:
– Entry of fairground
- Buffer zones will be set up at venue entrances to enforce strict crowd control measures.
- Exhibitors & visitors will be grouped and scheduled to arrive and depart the exhibition venue at different time slots during peak hours for crowd control.
- Temperature and health checks for all admission personnel (including vehicle crew members) prior to their entry into the registration areas.
– At the fairground
- All participants are required to wear disposable face masks at all times.
- An individual will be prohibited from entry into the venue if his/her temperature reading is higher than 37.3°C and/or is displaying a cough
- Onsite Quarantine Area and Medical Room will be set up
- High standard venue cleaning and disinfection for the exhibition areas, washrooms, rubbish and recycling stations will be implemented
– Area Management
- Tables, chairs and display cabinets will be placed at an interval of 1.5-meters for standard booths, raw spaces and conference areas
- Tape markers at 1-meter intervals are placed on floors at the exhibitor registration and official contractor counters, onsite registration areas, information desks and entrances, to ensure distancing between individuals.
Music China have stated that they continue to closely monitor the situation and maintain close contact with all relevant government departments and we will keep updating them to adapt to the situation.