Barnes and Mullins

Barnes and Mullins

EMD to debut new Silveray electrics at NAMM

Distributor EMD is throwing the NAMM spotlight on a new range of solid electric guitars next week, the Silveray series.

The uniquely shaped guitars offer two neck construction styles and three multiple pick-up configurations.

Silveray Custom

The Silverays kick off with the Silveray Custom, with US designed single humbucker and one single coil controlled by a 5-way switch. Featuring a sold alder body, C profile maple neck and vintage style three saddle bridge it comes with D’Addario strings. It will have an SRP of £285 to £350.

The Silveray Special comes with a pair of humbuckers  – one classic, one gold foil – the latter splitable via a mini toggle switch, offering a greater range of tonal options. The Special features a solid mahogany body, C profile maple neck, wrap around bridge and comes with D’Addario strings. SRP will be £311 and £363.

Silveray Special


The third Silveray is the Nash, which comes with three single coil P90 pickups and boasts a solid alder body maple c-profile neck and vintage trem. The SRP will be £246 and £324.

Silveray Nash



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