US pickup specialist Jason Lollar has a new P-90 style replacement pickup, the Staple P-90.
Describing the new pickup, Lollar says: “Someone loaned me an original late-‘50s Les Paul Custom for a gig. Ever since then, I’ve been fascinated with the sound of the original P-90 staple pickup. We modified the design of the original Gibson P-90 staple pickup so it fits most soapbar routes with no modification to the guitar. Though the design is updated, I voiced it to sound just like the legendary Les Paul Staple pickup that was loaned to me.”
The company describes the sound of the Staple P-90 as: “midway between that splashy harmonic-laden Fender tone and the more liquid and woody sounding Gibson P-90 tone. Lollar’s staple has a punchier attack with more clarity to the overtones than a typical P-90.” Info: