Barnes and Mullins

Barnes and Mullins

KMA Machines launch FREE ENDGAME V2 Software Update

KMA are thrilled to announce ENDGAME V2 Software and best of all, proprietary True Double-Tracker doubler, complete with an integrated Stereo FX loop, their own DUAL IR cab with power amp simulation, an Aux Input (also via Bluetooth), real pro-level XLR outputs and extensive routing options, it’s proved to be a hit. Now as the end of the year is fast approaching, for all the abundance of lovely people who purchased an ENDGAME in 2024, we have a special seasonal gift.

This new firmware adds a host of new features and some updates under the hood to improve the usability of the device. KMA have also developed an app that is available for MacOS and MS Windows. This dead easy to use app will allow any ENDGAME user to simply update their device via ENDGAME’s USB-C port and allows us to potentially further update the device (or those to come) in the future.

Previously, ENDGAME only supported Cabinet Impulse Response files with a 48 kHz Sample rate (up to 500 ms). Now, in addition to 48 kHz we’ve added support for 44.1, 88.2 and 96 kHz IRs (up to 500 ms) and these should work seamlessly when loading your relevant .wav file into ENDGAME. We’ve also added much smoother transitions when switching between IRs. Rather than a slight audible glitch when changing which IR is loaded by the control on the top panel, these now quickly fade out and fade in, all helping to make the IR switching a little cleaner.

“While we designed our dead-simple-to-use, yet custom AI driven True Double Tracker Algorithm to be as authentic to the doubling recording process as possible in regular use, for those using the TDT post FX Loop or wanting more control, we’ve added a couple of new hidden features to help tailor the Doubling to your own taste.”

Doubling Timing changes the range of the AI-driven onset detection doubled timing. Essentially, it’s all about the tightness of the doubled signal to fit differing playing styles. Variable from an extra tight mode, that’s perfect for extra fast riffs, to a looser timing that can add more movement for more spatial tones, this control is a powerful weapon to make your riffs fit your musical goals.

Adjusting is super easy – simply press and hold the DOUBLING foot switch at the same time as turning the TDT WIDTH knob. The centre detent is ENDGAME’s default factory position, but turning the knob left will give that tighter timing feel. Crank the knob to the right and the doubled signal becomes much more relaxed.

Doubling Level – this new control affects the level of the doubled signal against the original source. Useful for those times where you might want maximum width, but a little less (or even more) of the sound to be doubled against the original. You guessed it, it’s just as easy to set as the Timing. Press and hold the FX LOOP foot switch while turning the TDT WIDTH knob to adjust. Turn left for less doubled signal, right for louder. Once again. the Centre detent of the TDT WIDTH knob is ENDGAME’s default factory position. There’s some clever panning stuff going on under the hood here too, so neither doubled or original signal is louder on one side or another.

KMA believes ENDGAME represents one of the most intuitive, efficient and convenient devices ever for the culmination of a musician’s signal chain. We have more than packed in a stack of cool features in such a deceptively small, yet powerful pedal, but adding even more features will broaden musician’s tonal horizons and help them experience new sonic dimensions as never before!

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