Barnes and Mullins

Barnes and Mullins

Orange branches out

Marking a significant change from its much loved guitar and bass amps, Orange has launched the Dual Discrete Op-Amp, designed for audio use and the UK company is claiming it is ‘one of the most musically sounding of its kind on the market today’.

Orange says that, unlike existing products, it only contains the gain blocks that are needed to give good clean audio. Each of the individual transistors and resistors are of the highest quality, so the Op-Amp runs as close to pure Class A as possible, instead of the class B operation seen in IC Op-Amps. It has been designed to be 8 pin DIP compatible, and comes with a socket, so is easy to drop in and replace. The DC offset of Orange’s Op-Amp is low, which means it can be used almost anywhere.

‘We wanted to design something purely for audio’,explained Adrian Emsley, Orange Amplification’s Technical Director, ‘Many Op-Amps perform well on paper but the trouble is the human ear does not hear quite the same way as test equipment. To me, this Op-Amp sounds more musical, more natural, with the transient sound feeling more real and less synthetic.’

The RRP is £42.


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